Welcome to our first post!
For the Fourth of July, we were invited to a friend's house for a shindig. For the backyard BBQ theme, we decided to make potato salad. As usual, Chris was put in charge of peeling the potatoes. Five pounds of potatoes later, the salad was well on it's way to being enjoyed and the sink overfloweth with water. Now, if you're going to go clogging your pipes on a holiday, you better be friends with a plumber, because let me tell you, those holiday rates are a drag. Not only are we friends, but also family with the newest master plumber around. Young Edwardo came to the rescue in less than five minutes. It helped that we told him there was food involved, and not just that in the sink :)
After showing Chris a thing or two, Eddie decided that the culprit of the sink clog was way of the potato peel. Apparently, putting five pounds of potato peel down your sink isn’t the way to go. Hello! What are garbage disposers for?!?
Thanks Eddie, we love you!
AHHHH you have a blog!! (i'm doing a little dance of joy over here)
ReplyDeleteOur house has so many plumbing issues, I wish we had relatives that were plumbers!! We actually had tree roots growing into our pipes and making them back up. Really bad. I hope you and Chris are having fun getting settled into the house! :)
I still have not heard anything from school, I have limited myself to calling only once a week so that I don't drive them crazy! The good news is that my cousin is going to Virginia for two weeks, and my little brother is coming home for some of that time, so family life will be back to normal for a little while!!
I wish you lived nearby, I have gotten into running big time, and there's a 5K next Sunday that no one will run with me :( You're lucky you don't live here or else I'd be begging you to do it! I'm also thinking about learning how to quilt...my friend Melissa and I learned to sew together a couple years ago, but she has turned into a serious sewing queen! I know you like cute things so here is her blog to check out sometime: http://darlingday.blogspot.com/
Hope you're having a fabulous weekend!