Friday, August 14, 2009

Sewing Room Facelift

A while ago, I cut a bunch of branches from one of the many lilac bushes in our back yard. I made an arrangement to go over the window, but the window still felt like it was missing something. So, the other day I cut another (much longer) branch off of the bush and spray painted it dark brown, just as I had the others. We had some extra sheers hanging around- thanks to the bathroom makeover- and ta-da now our sewing room has been beautified :)

I had embroidered this little hoop some time ago (idea taken from Soule Mama) and thought it would look cute hanging from the window.  I think it does the trick! 

The pictures were taken when the sun was setting, so the light in the room isn't very bright- which made the walls look really dark. The color is most lifelike in the picture with the hanging hoop.  

And here's a picture of Sheeba just for fun. She likes to look at herself in the mirror!

Lots of craftiness going on...

Lots of sewing and crafting been going on in this neck of the woods...

Bathroom Window Before

And After....

I really liked the way these turned out... They are a white/creamy color and are bright enough that they still keep the bathroom open-felling, but thick enough that you can't see through them.  

The Phantom Plumber

Lots more plumbing adventures have been going on here...a broken toilet, a leaky outside faucet and a phantom plumber to fix them all (we promise the blog isn't going to be all about plumbing problems :) )  The above picture is when Eddie came over to fix our outside faucet. If ya'll know him, all he needs is food and he's happy.  
Payment for the services.

Another incident:  Our church was holding a clothing exchange, and this year we volunteered to have the clothing exchange at our house.  Folks in the church donated clothes and any members from the church could select clothes that they wanted.  During the time when this was at our house, our toilet stopped working. Since we were having a lot of people in and out of our house, and we weren't going to be home the whole time we put a sign on the toilet, telling people it was out of order.  When we got home Thursday night, the sign had been modified by the phantom plumber...

So..guess we should say that someone did accidentally use the bathroom in a morning stupor... oops :)